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CDK13-Related Genetic Disorder

Ekaterina Fields
Mar 23, 20235 min read
Educating a CDK13 Child
Forgive the "baby genius" picture, yet any child with a CDK13 genetic mutation is much more clever than often perceived by their...
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Ekaterina Fields
Jun 19, 20222 min read
CDK13-related Genetic Disorder: Focus on the Eyes. Vision, Squint and Ptosis.
With CDK13 genetic disorder, the small muscles and their precise control develop slower and with difficulty. What does it potentially...
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Ekaterina Fields
Oct 4, 20214 min read
When you first get your child's Genetic Disorder Diagnosis
by Ekaterina Fields Due to the progress of genetics research in recent years, thousands of parents and children worldwide are receiving...
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Ekaterina Fields
Jun 15, 20213 min read
Excessive sweating in Children and Adults with genetic disorders: What to know and how to Supplement
by Ekaterina Fields Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is a symptom associated with over 150 genetic disorders, including the...
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Ekaterina Fields
May 20, 20211 min read
"Redefining" of the typical CDK13-related disorder symptoms as more research is conducted worldwide
by Ekaterina Fields While Wikipedia and many websites on CDK13-related disorder continue to list its symptoms from when the disorder was...
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Ekaterina Fields
May 18, 20211 min read
Working Memory - an important concept in special needs education.
Working Memory is an important concept to understand when trying to ensure accessible education of special needs children and adults. The...
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Ekaterina Fields
May 3, 20214 min read
PiCA or not PiCA? Why is your child mouthing inappropriate objects?
Many parents of children with the CDK13-related disorder, Angelman syndrome, CTNNB1 syndrome, Hao-Fountain Syndrome / USP7, Autism and...
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Ekaterina Fields
Feb 28, 20212 min read
Learning Strategies for CDK13 Genetic Mutation and other SEN children
CDK13 children do Learning in a different way. CDK13 children always take longer to learn, however they CAN learn. It takes more time,...
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Ekaterina Fields
Feb 15, 20211 min read
Controversy in Definition of CDK13-related Genetic Mutation "Disorder"
What does Wikipedia say? Wikipedia and a host of many medical .gov websites state that: CDK13-related disorder, also known as congenital...
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